
In a highly competitive world with me too product and service offerings, an internally aligned brand can produce results that are better than the competition. The perceived value of the organisation/brand to be more customer-centric is a differentiator that many cannot ignore. Therefore, every employee, every touch point, every interaction becomes critical and they all speak and deliver the same value.

Internal Branding

Brand Purpose Statements: Building the brand inside out

To really build an brand from the inside out, it becomes critical to first define the brand purpose. The crafting of a brand purpose statement is something we undertake based on our understanding of two key aspects

  • The organizations mission
  • The consumer insight
Some examples of effective Brand Purpose Statements are given below.

Brand Purpose Statements

Brand Purpose Statements Nourishing families so they can flourish and thrive
Brand Purpose Statements Create a better everyday life for the many people
Brand Purpose Statements To help people manage risk and recover from the hardship of unexpected loss

The idea behind writing a powerful Brand Purpose Statement is for an organization to benefit from a real competitive advantage through the delivery of the brand purpose across touchpoints.

An example of Brand Touchpoints for a financial services company

Brand Touchpoints for a financial services company

An example of Brand Touchpoints for a financial services company

Our expertise in the internal branding space is two-fold - tactical and strategic.

a. Internal Branding - Tactical Level

Communicate to the internal audience about the brand and its key actions on an on-going basis. This will include all forms of medium from an internal messaging perspective.

b. Internal Branding - Strategic Level

Our belief is that internal branding can be viewed beyond messaging. It can be a powerful tool to create a movement. We have successfully managed internal branding movements that seek a cultural and attitudinal change and make the organization optimistic for the future. We follow a four stage process and deliver end to end solutions within this space.

Brand Aware Brand Knowledgeable Brand Believer Brand Deliverer
Understands what a brand is Is familiar with brand positioning concepts and features Believes can personally make a difference Actively and enthusiastically delivers brand promise and experience to customers
Understands the role and the benefits of the brand Is familiar with excellent brand delivered through employees Believes can be a brand ambassador Is recognised and rewarded for success in the brand delivery
Understands the company's emphasis on delivering brand experience Knows what is expected of them in terms of behaviour Believes it is in their interest to deliver the brand Motivates others to become brand ambassadors
Theme Campaigns
Tactical Internal Communications campaigns
Role Modelling
Senior management interaction
Communications; Manuals, Intranet, Blogs
Face to face internal communications
Knowledge/ interactive quizzing
Face to face internal key stakeholders address TLs
Communications Campaign
Demonstration by management
Incentivising measurement systems
Cascading Internal Communications
Creating champions
Induction Process